Hello there! I’m Anoop Abraham and welcome to The Soul Jam. 🙂
The blog includes content related to fulfilment, personal growth, spirituality and the Law of Attraction.
The content here is focused on answering 2 fundamental questions
How can we improve the quality of our life?
How can we be happy and live a fulfilling life?
Irrespective of who we are, what we do, and where we are from, the desire to improve the quality of our lives, and be happy are ones we all share. Whether we’re after success, relationships, achieving goals, or wealth what we truly desire from having them is that they may somehow improve the quality of our lives if not make us happier and fulfilled.
We all would love to feel good and be happy in our daily lives. But why should that be so hard?
My exploration and practice of spirituality and metaphysics, over the past 6 years, has made me realise that being happy and fulfilled in our daily lives is much easier than we have been led to believe by society.
What I have discovered these past few years has transformed my life. Solo travelling around India for 3 months, doing a 10-day silent meditation course(Vipassana) and practising sexual transmutation, have all helped to bring about a more profound shift in my life during this period.
Through this blog, I’d like to share with you simple and practical wisdom to help you lead a happier and more fulfilling life. While I claim to be no expert, I genuinely believe that what has had an impact on my life can have an impact on yours as well.
Some of my work has been featured on leading personal growth websites like Tiny Buddha, The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, Purpose Fairy and Pick The Brain.
I have published over 100 articles on this blog, so if you are new here and don't know where to begin, here are a few articles to help you get started.
The Secret Powers Of Your Sexual Energy (That Nobody Tells You)
How One Man Brainwashed Humanity To Be Mindless Consumers!
10 Lessons I learned from Solo Travelling Around India For 3 Months
How I Found What I Love And How You Can Do The Same
Was Your Secret Superpower Suppressed In School?
5 Simple Techniques To Deal With Urges And Break Bad Habits
A Magical Way To Free yourself of "Negative Feelings"
The Mind-Blowing Evidence For Reincarnation!
How to Stop Comparison and be Genuinely Happy for Other People
You can find all the articles that I have published over here.
Here are 15 random facts about me to get to know me better:
I live In Kochi, India.
Some of the nicknames I’ve had over the years are Snoopy, Snoop Dawg and Peddler Shaggy. The latter lasted for the period I had shoulder-length hair.
Aside from spirituality and metaphysics, some of my other interests include travelling, music, singing, connecting with people, reading and spending time in solitude.
Listening to certain English music from the 60s, 70s and the 80s feels like home to me and makes me nostalgic of a time I've never known.
When I was a kid, my dream was to become a professional footballer and play for Manchester United.
Travelling solo is something I really love and enjoy. Deciding to solo travel for 3 months across India is the best decision I have made in my life.
If I had a time machine, I would go back to San Francisco in the 1960s, during the time of the Hippie movement as it’s something that’s deeply fascinated me ever since I first heard about it.
While I am usually known to be a calm person, I get really hyper when I am excited.
Watching the movie The Godfather in the 8th grade impressed me so much that I created a mafia gang along with my friends in school. Sadly we made just 50 bucks and carried out no missions.
I love to read, whether it’s books, magazines or content on sites like Quora and Reddit. I read almost 100 books during my 3 years in college.
I am a huge fan of the Star Wars original trilogy. I find the movies deeply spiritual though it may not come across as such.
The Matrix part one is another movie I feel the same way about.
I have been told I have an awkward laugh, which is something I agree, but I just can’t help it.
I prefer talking over the phone to texting.
My guilty pleasure is reading Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
I also write and compose songs. Here is a short clip of me performing an original song of mine.
If you find some value in the content on my blog, kindly consider supporting my work by buying me a coffee. I'd really appreciate it. You can do so here.
You can get in touch with me on
Facebook @ anooptabraham
Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? I'd love to hear from you.
If you are going through a difficult time and need somebody to talk to don’t hesitate to message me.
Perhaps writing and articulating your situation to a complete stranger may help you gain more clarity.